Testimonials from (mostly) satisfied Clients - see if you can spot the odd ones out

I have to keep a log of my Crown Court appearances. From time to time I come here and let you know the recent tally.

It's not always up to date from yesterday but you can see what I've been up to in front of the Circuit Bench. I started counting in 2010.


Up to 24.2.25, I'm running at 676 appearances. The list includes -

  • adjournments
  • bail applications
  • committals for sentence
  • pre-trial hearings
  • trials -  most as a junior, some led, some leading
  • short trials, long ones
  • warrants
  • all sorts

The following are some generous and kind comments from my clients over the years. I have changed all the identifying data, but all are genuine and taken from messages sent to me.

I ask clients for comments, but I don't demand any response from anyone - if they choose to report something (good or bad) about me and the firm, that is their beeswax. I include negatives as well as positives.

The original responses are all recorded and available for inspection, although you will not get to see the real names of contributors, nor to learn anything about their case. 

I defended TN in Lewes Crown Court on a charge of GBH. His defence was that he had to defend himself against a group of others confronting him, and punched once to help himself. After three days of evidence, the Jury found in his favour and acquitted him.

from SL - 'Dear Steve

Thank you for your help yesterday, you turned a potential traumatic experience into a simple nightmare. One from which I awoke today with a shopping list I am currently working through.

Once this is done, I will contact you for counsel as per your terms letter

Your time is precious, I shall keep this brief but my gratitude is overflowing

Best wishes

Sent from my iPad

from SQ - ''Thanks for all your help Steve

You were magic.'

from ND - 'Morning Steve, just wanted to thank you for your support yesterday - way beyond the minimum needed - very much appreciated.'

from CR - "Hi gaffer thank you for everything you have done, not just for me but for family you and Paula are the best hope you're all good Mr Wedd"

I successfully defended XT in his trial at Brighton Magistrates Court on 12 September for speeding and failing to notify driver. He could not read and write and said that he did not understand the letter that the police sent to him asking who had been driving when speeding. The Clerk asked me why I was there 'for speeding?' Reply - nothing is too unimportant, and if it matters to an old client and his family, and they can't cope by themselves, then I turn out for them.

I defended TL in Southwark Crown Court over ten weeks - forty days. I led Justin Rivett from Warrens Law & Advocacy, Eastbourne, to whom I give my thanks and commendation.


The Police accused TL of defrauding clients in a solicitors firm to the tune of £900k, by draining clients money from client account into his pocket and the pockets of his partner FD. He says that he did not know about what was happening. TL was convicted. 

from DE - 'I just wanted to drop you a line to say thanks again for your work on behalf of P (and me and his mother) earlier today.


Your involvement was very welcome and brought positivity and clarity to a very difficult situation. I realise that P is exceptionally fortunate to only have received cautions for what he did and I am deeply grateful for your part in that. We will try our best to make P understand the gravity of his actions and how important it is for him to learn a massive lesson from today.  DE'

from BQ -


Dear Paula and Steve,


thanks for all that you did for me, I am very grateful for your hard work and patience.  With my very best wishes'  BQ  15.10.2015

from GT (accused of rape) - 'Steve, I don't have words to describe how thankful I am for all your help. You were amazing, thank you so much for all your patience with me. You are such an incredible professional. Thank you so much.' 3.12.2015.  


Plus, later - 'Good Morning Steve, I would like to know if you already have my stuff from the police and how much I have to send you for the post [to send to client]'.

from ND (firearms) -

'Good morning Steve,

Thank you for your letter of the 3rd Dec. I think the proposal that you

take a witness statement from F is far preferable to subjecting him

to the stress of a Police interview.


I  remain concerned however, at the possible consequences on his mental health - effectively being asked to re-live the events of the [date].

I can only rely on your discretion should he become distressed.' 5.12.2015

from Father MJ 21.10.15

from DM
'I fear that I also contributed to the confusion this morning. However, to judge by the way that you initially handled my call, if ever I need an advocate to defend me on an alcohol charge, your name will immediately come to mind. 
I shall look forward to my visit next week.
D'     5.1.2016

'Dear Steve,

I wanted to drop you a quick line from K and myself to thank you for ALL you did on the 6th January for us at Brighton magistrates.A fulsome letter to follow. Hope January is prosperous so far. With our thanks & best wishes.

'Thank you Steve for everything you have done for me it means so much to me you are a great solicitor and barrister if I ever know anybody that needs legal help you will be the first person that I call and if I ever need legal help again you will be the first person I call thank you very much it means so much to me my boyfriend also thanks you Steve for saving me from a prison sentence.' BD 18.5.16

Hi Steve,
'Just thought I would drop you an email to say many thanks again for representing me in my case.  So glad that N heard your name mentioned around a dinner meeting about how good you are in your field of works.


I found you an honest and genuine man, who dealt with the case superbly, straight talking and someone to trust in the way you went about your business.


I can't thank you enough, when I was down and out you picked me up and gave me the strength to deal with the horrible issues I was facing. I'm just getting back to normal I think, been hard and slow as it still sticks in the back of your head, and pops up every now and then, the horrible thoughts and situations I went through.


In my eyes you are a credit to your profession, and my family and I thank you ever so much
Regards TQ'

email 10.8.16

email 13 January 2017 from Mrs TL - 'Dear Steve,
Before the verdicts, I would very much like to thank you for all your hard work, patience and kind consideration. To have stepped in at the last moment and done so remarkably well has been of great comfort to both of us. The calm and utmost professional way you have dealt with everything has given us strength and confidence and, whatever the outcome, I feel T could not have had a better legal team. Thank you for believing in us. The last four years have been a nightmare because, as you know, we have had to cope with all the stress of my civil case against [Ts co-defendant] in addition to this.
Also, the strain over the last few days of waiting while the jury are out has been almost intolerable. I have a day off on Monday and will probably come to court even though T has suggested I don’t. I so want to support him but from Tuesday it may be difficult. I do not really want to take anymore time off work, even though my manager has been very supportive and I have been able to take annual leave at short notice. There is also the added cost of travel, which I am sure you will appreciate.
I also wrote to Justin a few days ago. T has been so fortunate to have had you both helping him. I hope you have a good weekend. It cannot have been easy for you either, staying in town ,especially on your birthday, when it would have been nicer to have been with your  family. Thank you again.
With kindest regards
Mrs TL'

email from clients father, 6/11/17

Dear Mr Wedd,

I wanted to write to thank you for the very professional way in which you represented my daughter at the weekend. You did a marvellous job and the result achieved was truly excellent.


After we left the police station, I explained to N that she was fortunate to have had such an experienced practitioner allocated to her case. She too sends her thanks.


As well as a first class service, you waited with her for a considerable time until we arrived to collect her. In doing so, you made the whole experience less traumatic for her and ensured that she left custody with her good name intact.

Kindest regards

20.1.21 'Steve Wedd was rude and unhelpful and spoke to me like he was a judge. He would not stay to represent me. He's useless and so is [the firm that instructed him].'

Mr TS.


My response is that

  • this client had not attended any of his court hearings without being compelled to do so under a warrant from the court;
  • he was an hour late for his bail on the 20th;
  • he lied to me about communications which had been sent to him from my professional client;
  • he telephoned her behind my back to say that she was useless and so was I;
  • he would not give me clear or any instructions in response to my questions calling for a 'yes' or 'no' answer;
  • he disliked my advice about his legal position and likely consequences for the day (which turned out to be exactly correct, exactly on the money, and exactly what happened to him when he went into court without me);
  • the professional relationship between us (which is at the heart of my work for any lay client) broke down, in my view, as a direct result of his manner of speaking to me;
  • he muddled the message with the messenger;
  • I made as much allowance as I could for the personal stress that he was under, but I am not prepared to be insulted to my face and behind my back to my professional client.



but kudos to Mark Hill for his accident reconstruction report and testimony. 


(Declaration of interest - Andy and Eric asked me to look over some chapters in their forthcoming book on Investigative Interviewing, and I was happy to attempt to help.) 

email, 5.7.21

'Hi Steve, 

WOW you really are on the ball, thanks so much. I will absolutely put something together to go onto your website.
Do keep me updated, 

email 30.6.21


Just a note to say thank you for what you achieved at Court yesterday - and for all the work preceding. We took E at her word when she was first summonsed and K supported her and N throughout.
It was clear her first solicitor did not  have the Court skills to take this on and you were our first and only choice - and so right it proved.
I know it was only a driving matter to people like us who have seen the stress of murder trials  but it was really important to E and affected her a lot.
You made the justice system work by fighting the Crown to prove its case beyond any doubt  - something you do so well.
Also please see my feedback for you below; 
'From the moment I instructed Steve, he has shown professionalism and put in a huge amount of work to ensure my court date went ahead as planned. On the day of trial, I felt confident with Steve representing me and he knew every point of my case. I couldn't ask for a better solicitor and would recommend him to anyone who needs to feel well represented in court. We did win the case and I was found not guilty, and with Steve's knowledge and expertise, this may not have been the case'
email from client EX

text 2.7.21

'Hi Steve just wanted to say thank you so much for today. Really appreciated. [clients father] L said if you would like to, he would like to take you for lunch at your convenience. 

Many thanks again T L P'

KH - careless driving acquittal, Brighton Magistrates Court July 2018

'Having been warned by someone in the know that ineffectual defence solicitors could be found in abundance, I set about finding, through personal contacts, a law practice that would do an effective job in defending me against a driving charge. My enquiries led to Bristow, Wedd and the services of Steve Wedd himself.


Steve set about my defence with the utmost professionalism using modern technology coupled with forensic skill to reveal the weaknesses in the prosecution case. His cross examination of the main prosecution witness was relentless leading to his exposure as being both ignorant of the Highway Code and unreliable as an individual.


Steves attention to detail and preparation of case papers to assist the Court with its assessment of the allegation was meticulous.


Before the trial had commenced, Steve had requested, successfully, that I be allowed to sit behind him in the court rather than standing in the dock. Having obtained my acquittal, he then obtained my costs from the Court.


Bristow, Wedd is a thoroughly professional practice and is recommended without reservation.'

text message from KU, 3.5.2022 (relating back to work done for this client two years since) - 


'Sorry Steve, didn't mean to end the call on you, my phone died. You're welcome though, I wasn't expecting you to remember who I am but I have to express how thankful I am for you representing me and the fact that it is all finally over after so long is a huge relief.


I'm still processing my emotions and hopefully I'll get my things back soon. We did discuss possible actions to take when the case was over, I'm still thinking about what to do, but honestly thank you for everything, it means everything to me'

'Hi Paula. 

So I take it Steve has no answers as to how he defended N in court? 
You did say you would get back to us within 48 hours but it’s now been 5 weeks 2 days 
I find it rude we have all just been ignored including N. You haven’t even sorted a video call with him like you said you would to explain what has happened. 
We have no other alternative than to take this matter further.
As well as writing to newspapers & MP’s about your services and how someone got sent to prison for 7 and half year on no evidence. 

N and his family feel very very let down and find yourself and Steve have been so unprofessional through the whole of this court case. 

I don’t except to hear back from you, this just proves the lack of correspondence from yourselves. 



My reply - 

'Dear K, 

I am sorry that you are unhappy with my work for N. 
I have not received any complaint during my work for him from him, nor since. 
He is my client : you are not. I am told that my instructing solicitor holds his written authority to discuss with you his legal business.
If this is Ns complaint then I await your confirmation that he makes it. 
If this is your complaint then I address it as follows - 
You told my instructing solicitor that my closing speech to the jury was ‘amazing’. 
At no time during my work for N did anyone complain. 
Your complaint came after a jury delivered its verdict and after the Judge delivered sentence. There are proper courses of appeal that a person can follow to seek remedy for those outcomes. 
I am sorry that you do not like the outcome of the trial. I think that you are judging the quality of my work by the outcome. I think that that is unfair, but I respect absolutely your wish to make your complaints.
You will recognise that at least 21 other people were involved in the trial process, each one of whom was capable of influencing the verdict and sentence. 
The jury heard all the evidence in the case and decided against us. I am not responsible for the jurys decision.
The Judge heard all the evidence in the case and sentenced N according to the Guidelines. I am not responsible for the Judges decision. 
I take full and complete and absolute responsibility for my work and my preparation and advice and advocacy. None of it was bad. 
N pleaded guilty to robbery and dangerous driving. The only issue in the case under trial was the presence or absence of a firearm. The jury heard evidence from all three participants about that aspect; and it believed the delivery driver MM and disbelieved N. 
Ns blood sample was tested and found to contain Benzoylecgonine (a by-product of cocaine) and Cocaethylene (a by-product of combined cocaine and alcohol). Maybe the jury considered that those drugs affected his judgement or memory - I don’t know. 
Mr M was also tried; the (same) evidence against and for him was also considered; he was convicted by the jury on the same evidence in the same trial. The jury did not deliver different verdicts for either man. 
I spoke to N during the trial and after the verdict and I spoke to him after the sentence. I gave him legal advice verbally on both occasions then. 
I have sent him my Advice on appeals in writing. I do not know what I could add to my twice delivered verbal advice or my written Advices on appeals by means of a videolink or live meeting. 
N filed an appeal and his grounds of appeal have been rejected by the Single Judge. 
I understand that Mr M has filed an appeal and I understand that his grounds of appeal have been rejected by the Single Judge. 
There was not no evidence : there was evidence from Mr M and from his vehicle. In addition to the evidence presented by the police, there was Ns agreement that he had robbed him and driven dangerously. A persons guilty plea is usually compelling evidence of guilt. There was not no evidence. 
You are absolutely entitled to report this to anyone you wish, with the proviso that you fairly and fully report what was said in the trial. If you slander me in any way by any means in any forum, I will take action on it. Conventional publications like newspapers and broadcast media may well be interested in your complaint, and if they report it, will look to me for comment and response. I have posted your negative comments on my website for the world to see.  
I am sorry that you feel let down. Your complaints must, however, lie elsewhere. 


Steve Wedd'

from another lawyer, whom I have never met, but who shares an egroup with me -


You also drew a complimentary comment (see below) from Steve Wedd, who is more often referred to as the Rottweiler/Pit Bull of the defence solicitors world! 

High praise indeed! 😃



sent from David Fanson (dfanson@sansburydouglas.co.uk)

from ST - 

Dear Steve,

Thank you for your email and help so far....and of course your colleague Raye Fielding - who was both charming and very helpful and reassuring to me whilst in custody. I was grateful for his expert help and warm personality. It's such a relief when you realise someone is here to help you when in custody.
Things appear to be moving quite quickly; [case details edited out].  I am happy to pay your fees if it means I will be better represented as I do not want to be charged unnecessarily - especially if X is not wanting to press charges. I don't really want to be further questioned by the Police alone. 
I would like to consult you if possible before the next bail date: Please can you let me know what your charges are via email so that I can budget for your ongoing representation for me.
I look forward to hearing from you,
Kind regards,
ST 29.10.2015

from ND (firearms) -

'Morning Steve, just wanted to thank you for your support yesterday - way beyond the minimum needed - very much appreciated.

I must also tell you that I don't normally drive like a cretin; I thought I was having a heart attack when I got home....my nurse tells me I should have cancelled the interview. I had a not uncommon reaction to the flu jab etc

Hope to hear from you shortly. ND'  11.11.2015

from ND (as above) -

'Hi Steve,
Just spoken to PC G they are dropping all fire arms related charges...two illegal weapons will be destroyed - otherwise the Firearms Officer will be in touch regarding other issues .... security etc.
I think the correct result.  So, many thanks for your help. You are a star!
p.s. Boxing Day Lunch from 1.00 if you feel like a trip out to the country! Bring whoever!'



Steve Wedd secures rape acquittal for Playboy Butcher

Steve represented MT, who was accused of three counts of raping the niece of a global superstar. After a four day trial at Lewes Crown Court, the man was acquitted on all three charges.


At the centre of the case was an allegation that MT had spiked the woman's drink with Rohypnol, a well-known date rape drug. Following submissions from Steve, the jury took 1 hour and 12 minutes to acquit.  19.5.16

From Playboy Butcher case - 

'Steve - Just a quick note to formally say bloody well done and thank you for your work this week. M was always happy how you conducted the case both prior and during trial. Both T and I knew, as much as anyone possibly can,  M was not a rapist and in the end justice won. Also, you made T and I feel confident to put in our ‘two penny’s worth’  – sincerely appreciated.


Again many thanks and I hope our paths cross again but not in quite the same way!!  Regards.  E

from XD after I got his car released from police custody
'Dear Steve,
Thank you very much again for the help. I am very happy with the work.
Best regards, X'
email 26.9.16
from JR [internal memo to my instructing solicitors] - 'I just wanted let everyone know that Steve made the closing speech in the TL case today and he was absolutely brilliant. He was congratulated by all of the other counsel and has outshone all the others.
The client said that he had done a great job and couldn't be happier (he is a solicitor) so credit where credit is due he has demonstrated that he was well deserving of this difficult and challenging case.
The purpose of this email is to reassure you all when instructing him you that the client is in safe and capable hands. 
Credit where credit is due and if I didn't say it no one would know!
So well done Steve!'
email 4.1.17

email from Mrs TL, 30.1.17

'Dear Steve,
T called me yesterday and he asked me to thank both you and Justin. He seems to be coping and I am visiting on Thursday. He is still in HMP.
Steve, like you , he thought his sentence was appealable but I do not know how we go about that. He was also thinking that if he went to Lewes Prison visiting may be a bit easier. Again, it is a waiting game and communication is very slow and , mostly, one sided.
There is also the chance of a nine month reduction in his sentence if he goes back but then he would want to return fairly quickly 
Again, my thanks to you both. It is simply a ghastly situation but we are both doing our best and trying to remain positive and looking forward to a better future one day.
Kind regards,

email from GQ, 17.3.18

Hey Steve,
Just wanted to drop you a email to express my thanks and gratitude to all the help and stuff you've done for N in his case and trial. I know you must hear this a lot but you really are the best at your job. You even make sure your clients partners are ok and give them hugs if they are upset which I have been on 2 occasions now. I know that whatever happens on Friday, N had the best person fighting his corner for him and for that im forever grateful.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I will always recommend you.
GQ (NI's Fiance)

In December 2020 I defended ND against a charge of burglary of a dwelling. He and his wife were non-Anglophones and needed interpreters to handle the court process.


I analysed the evidence and identified certain gaps in the prosecution case. With my able co-defender Justin Rivett, Barrister (representing Mrs ND) we secured acquittals for both accused and they walked free with no stain on their characters.


Will update you tomorrow unless you have any specific insights in the meantime? 
Can you also let me know what you charge for this excellent advice and service? 


Steve we are all done and signed off. If you want to email me your engagement letter and fee note I will arrange for O to settle it. Thank you for your excellent and prompt advice. Best. N



Steve this represents excellent value thank you. O will settle later today. 

Best wishes. N

I defended SG at Chichester Crown Court on a charge of Dangerous Driving. The jury acquitted him, but found that he had driven carelessly - a reasonable plea which had been on offer to the Crown for six months. Do you agree with the jury?

'Review of Steve Wedd


Steve Wedd is a f**king genius


I was recently accused by the Crown of Dangerous Driving, this accusation was supported by some pretty damning video footage filmed from an unmarked Police motorcycle.


I contacted many high profile solicitors initially to try to find support with my case, most of which wanted to charge me money before even listening to my case and did not appear to be particularly interested in my case or the intricacies involved.


An acquaintance suggested I use Steve Wedd, from the moment I called Steve I knew he was the solicitor for me, he was interested in my case and all of the ins and outs, he was sympathetic to my situation and gave me full confidence that he would act in my best interests.


Whenever I required to speak to Steve he was always available, he was never in a rush to get off the phone and was happy to keep the discussion going until we had addressed all my points of concern and interest.


Working with Steve was an absolute pleasure, he re-assured me in times of extreme worry, eased my concerns by explaining the exact situation as my case twisted and turned, with Steve’s guiding hand and advice based on his excellent knowledge, insight into the law, experience from previous cases and being able to second guess the prosecutions thoughts and next steps, we were able to convince the jury that my driving was in fact not dangerous and I merely was not taking enough care.


For this I was convicted of a far less serious offence, received a smaller fine and a shorter driving ban, this was the absolute best result under the circumstances and I will remain forever grateful and in admiration of Steve’s abilities as a legal advocate.


It is also fair to say that Steve’s fees are more than reasonable and he is worth every penny, If ever a friend has the need for legal representation I would urge them to use Steve.


Thanks Steve, I’m forever grateful.


I was led by Simon Russell-Flint QC in the murder trial of NK at Lewes Crown Court. NK was accused of stalking and murdering his girlfriend. He denied the charge and after a three week trial, was convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment, with a tariff of 25 years.

WhatsApp from happy client, 10 September 2021 -

'hi Steve,just a short message to thank you for your expertise and knowledge regarding my case, i took your advice about the report and seems was the right one as case has been dismissed,i really appreciate your help and management in this matter as have never been in court and you helped me through it you are truly the best

thank you once again


from NJ, Christmas Day 2021

'hello steve, wishing you a merry christmas, hope you and your family have a good one, because of you.. i’m able to spend Christmas with my boy who is 5 days old today, i want to say a massive thankyou to you! and won’t ever forget what you did for me, merry Christmas steve 🌲 ⭐️'

NL - 18.12.22
'Dear Steve Wedd ,
Good Afternoon. I would like to leave a genuine Review with my Compliments for your amazing professionalism with my case. I would be grateful if you could put this Review in your Website for others to see & be encouraged for your Service too. Thank you.
"Hello Everyone , I was sincerely helped with my Case that lasted over 18 Months. By Amazing help with professionalism by My Solicitor Mr Steve Wedd, We win the case & I was so pleased with his genius Law methods.  He is very kind & very Helpful with full knowledge of My Case Study. Very Rear [rare] you get to See this kind of genius Lawyers in Real life. I highly recommend his service. So you will be Highly Satisfied with your Case Outcomes too." 
Once again thank you very much Mr Steve Wedd for everything, I'm truly Grateful for your Service & kindness.
May God Bless You & Have a nice Festive holidays.
Yours Faithfully,
Dr NL'
[this persons case was disposed of at Hove Crown Court in December 2022, by a jury trial and acquittal on allegation of ABH]

I was represented by Steve Wedd, after my arrest on charges which the Sussex police termed AKIN TO TERRORISM. I was kept incommunicado for seven days during which time I saw only one person who was Steve Wedd.   Because I was not allowed any visitors during that seven day custody in the Hove police station cells it was Steve Wedd who kept me sane and able to face a band of thugs known as Operation Kirby, a band of police thugs who took it in turns to interrogate me for seven days, sometimes during the ate night.  Alone in my cell Steve left me something to read. An Archbolds law book.  That book accompanied me throughout the next 19 months during which I became   so legal minded that I was able to compose a lot of the defence strategy mysellf working from that law book.  The outcome of that long case was at first a guilty verdict due to the crooked machinations of a bent prosecutor and immoral Crown court judge.  Within weeks of that verdict the High Courts of Justice in London, led by the Lord Chief Justice himself overturned the complete case against myself and my 5 co-defendants.   We were all awarded considerable compensation as a result of that shocking  example of  miscarriage of justice.   It was through the advice of Steve Wedd, throughout my seven days interrogation that I survived and without that law book to keep me occupied I would have suffered much more.  In my recent book now available to the public I have desrcribed how Steve Wedd guided me through my darkest hour.  Thank you Steve, thank you.   NS. 


[Editors note - this was 1995. My client recently re-located me and sent me this and a copy of his book. He is too kind.]

From: SH
Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2024 2:09:57 PM
To: [my instructing solicitors]
Subject: NH
Hello Emma, 
Just wanted to say thank you to everyone for the support you have given us. It is much appreciated. 
Steve Wedd was excellent too. 
Kind regards,

from a professional client


Please see attached, Steve’s invoice.

Thank you, Steve for a very comprehensive and efficient service. Very helpful notes

Kind regards


contact details for us

Steve Wedd

 07 802802 539




Paula Bristow

077 88 99 0154



 Paula Bristow          Higher Court Advocate                                                                                                                                               Steve Wedd         Higher Court Advocate